One on one experiences – Come unravel


I can feel the ‘out-of-balance’ in my client’s bodily tissues.  I have witnessed what living in the fight or flight mode and adrenal fatigue does to our health, our pain and our lack of feeling alive.

It is my opinion that our pain is nearly always a sign from our bodies that we are off-course. It is a cry from our inner being telling us that we need to look inside and adjust.

Every journey is unique and I feel so honoured to be able to create a safe space for my clients where they can strip back their layers, unravel and sink into their tender selves.

Twenty-five years of experience and self-discovery has seen my treatments evolve into a complete therapy. 

I use the science of Biomechanics; the Breath; Neuro–Emotional technique (NET); Craniosacral Therapy; Myofascial Release; Dry Needling, Trigger Point Therapy, Compassionate Inquiry, and the presence of Touch to guide the body’s innate ability to heal. 

Come, return to your place of balance and the deep pool of stillness within you.

Compassionate Inquiry

This gentle mind body approach is a beautiful way of accessing the innate wisdom of the body so that the body and nervous system can unwind.

This very special gentle talk therapy was developed by Dr. Gabor Maté and is based on psychotherapy, which reveals what lies beneath the appearance we present to the world.

In these sacred 1.5 hour sessions I will be guided by what feels right for you. The sessions can take place seated and or lying down.

We will work together to move into the wisdom of the body. Here you will have the opportunity of meeting a part of yourself that began as a protective reaction. The intention will be to give that part of you space and what it needs to release its grip.

To complete the session Cranio Sacral Therapy will be used to allow the body to be held in a safe place while it integrates and unwinds.

You will leave the session refreshed, with a deeper understanding of your truth and skills in bringing yourself back to a state of homeostasis.


“I believe our hands have wisdom, that our hands are the antennae of our soul”….Rebecca


Kangaroo Valley Stillness Immersion - 3 Days and 3 nights of nourishment