Stillness is like my rudder which helps me happen to life, rather than allowing life to happen to me. It helps me connect to the deepest parts of me and rather than living reactively I can live consciously, guided by my deepest wisdom and soul purpo…

Complete Balance – The Science of Healing 

I see so much brilliance in those living in big cities however, so often I also see the shadow of imbalance. I have witnessed the tension, the pain and the disease and believe our pain is almost always directly linked to us being out of balance. 

I too have experienced what living in a rush feels like.  I too have been caught up on the merry-go-round only to find myself living a life that doesn’t feel like mine. Returning to stillness is the antidote and the philosophy I now live by and can be achieved by stripping back the layers and reconnecting with our tender selves. Finding stillness in my life has helped me bring my body, mind and spirit into alignment.

Through twenty five years of study; one on one work with clients; workshop presentations; lecturing and my path to self-discovery, I have uncovered my truths about leading a fuller life with more balance, more love and more inner wisdom.

My courses, immersion weekends and one on one treatments, have all been designed to help us return to this place of peace. They provide tools to help us regain rhythm and enable us to live intentionally, connected to our inner wisdom and greater purpose.

B.A. (Human Movement), Dip. Sports Therapies, Dip. Somatic Psychotherapy, Certificates in Neuro Emotional Technique, Cranio Sacral Technique and Compassionate Inquiry.